Subject: No Album Yet. -Reply

Ted Jackson jr. EL84 tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU
Mon Jan 27 09:09:37 EST 1997

> From:          Stephen Swann <swann at MINDVOX.COM>
> You know, Ted, I remember when you signed onto this list, all fresh
> faced, and happy to have found people to discuss BOC with... and look
> what we did to you.  I feel so guilty.  ;-)
This is the second reference to my loss of flower, so to speak.
Again, I think it's just that I feel more comfortable about
expressing myself.  Ya gottat remember, that prior to last month, I
hadn't seen 3OC in several years, whereas I think a lot of folks on
BOC-L have gotten to see them a lot.  So I guess you all are more
frustrated than I am.  Having seen them last month has really put the
bug in.  I think there's still great potential for the band, but this
inertia can't possibly be helping them...

> The truth is that my attitude towards BOC went in cycles for many
> years.  I think for a long time I actually felt sort of bitter towards
> them, because their consistent failure to produce the promised new
> album over a period of several years seemed tantamount to
> "withholding" BOC music from me.  :-)
This is true.  I don;t understand why they don't release stuff
through the internet, as part of their various fan clubs.  A la

> I'm a lot less vindictive about it these days.  The BOC guys have lives
> and families; I'm sure that they'd love to produce a new album, but
> if they've got higher priorities than that... well, it's unfortunate,
> but it's nothing that we have the right to get angry about.  I just
> hope that they find the time and energy to put the album out someday.
> Steve
> swann at
This is very logical, but the reverse argument keeps coming up:  how
can they protect their livelihood by being so inactive?  Will they
keep slipping another rung down the ladder each year until everyone
just gives up on them?  The joint I saw them in was pretty small.  I
don't know how much lower they can get without falling off the map...

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