HW: SR Q's

Bernhard Pospiech bernhard.pospiech at GELSENKIRCHEN.NETSURF.DE
Mon Jul 21 11:39:45 EDT 1997

Hi Ian

At 15:11 20.07.97 -0400, you wrote:

>1) In the booklet with the story, there is a picture above the lyrics for
>7x7 which has Nik Turner next to someone else playing guitar. This >person
looks nothing at all like Dave, so who is it?

Looks like Carlos Santana ;-))
To be serious: It could be Lemmy, playing guitar

>2)In the other booklet, on the first page which has the quote "flying is
>trying is dying", on the pic at the bottom.  Who is pictured here,
>exactly?  Mainly, who are the two people next to Nik (to his left)?

The person next to Nik is Rob Calvert

>Also, I thought Nik was the only person who played a wind or brass
>instrument...why is the man on the far left playing one?  Is this the
>swazzle that has been mentioned previously?

This person is (could be) Del Dettmar

>4) Lastly, is it Bob singing "Born To Go"?

No, Nik and Dave


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