HW: offshoot bands

Marshall Wood mwood at SLICE.AGILE.COM
Mon Jul 21 16:15:02 EDT 1997

Spacemen!  (And Spacewomen!)

I'm looking for some recommendations for some of the Hawkwind
offshoot bands, especially those on the Cleopatra label.  I've
sampled a few, and while I've found some goodies (Spiral Realms),
I've also been stung (Nik Turner's _Sphynx_).  Just for more
background, Melting Euphoria's _Upon the Solar Winds_ didn't
do much for me, and I think that if you've heard a couple of
Ozric Tentacles CDs, then there's no need to buy their entire
catalog (I have _Pungent Effulgent_ and _Strangeitude_).  I
haven't met a Hawkwind CD that I didn't like, except for _The
White Zone_.  I have over 50 Tangerine Dream CDs.

Based on what I've heard on Cleopatra's _Space Box_ set, I'm
tempted to pick up these:

    _The Eternal Sky_ by the Anubian Lights
    _Explaining the Unexplained_ by Pressurehed
    something by Helios Creed or Chrome
    something by F/i (where can I get their CDs)

(I'm especially interested in the Anubian Lights CD, as it is
available in a local store.)

I don't want to end up with something like _Sphynx_, which did
little for me (largely due to Turner's vocals), or anything
too industrial (I get the impression that the earlier releases
by Pressurehed and Helios Creed fall under that category).

Also, what Darxtar CD should I start with?


NP:  _Stained Glass Stories_ - Cathedral

PS:  One more thank you for all the replies I received
     regarding my HW EMI remasters questions.  I just
     came back from the RPM Records WWW site, where I
     ordered ISoS, Doremi, and HotMG.  I just hope that
     they can get all of them...

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