OFF: GWAR & Kids/Motorhead & Wasp
monsieur at MYMAIL.NET
Fri Jun 13 10:17:34 EDT 1997
On Fri, 13 Jun 1997 10:19:12 GMT+01 Carl Edlund Anderson
<cea20 at CUS.CAM.AC.UK> wrote:
>> > I would disagree with you somewhat, depending on the age, maturity
>> > and general intelligence of a child you have to be somewhat concerned
>> > with they expose themselves to.
> I think kids are brighter than one thinks, though they (we? :) are
>impressionable and are happy to try nearly any kind of weird shit just for
>the hell of it.
> I mean, sure--dressing up like a freaking and dancing around with a
>bunch of impaled angels looks like a lark, right? But I think most kids,
>unless they are terminally dumb, would understand no problem if you said
>"this is a big act, right? like a play. people just think this looks
>cool, so you can make a lot of money doing it".
This certainly seems logical, but on the other hand I've known people - as
teenagers and as adults - who are, in most other senses of the word,
intelligent, and thought, "Oh, this is just a joke. Harmless." But after a
while it ceased to be a joke and they unwittingly began to take it
seriously. Whether or not these bands/acts are just a big joke is
irrelevant; the display which they (the bandmembers) consider a joke is, in
one way or another, a serious reality. Of course, I'm not saying that the
"serious" part consists of any of the weird, wacky theatrics, but - whether
or not you believe in Hell or Satan or whatever force of evil - there are
those who wish to commit vile acts for him/it.
The thing is, this stuff starts out as a joke, but - just as it happens with
-certain- drugs (the strong ones that can actually do significant harm), a
person becomes desensitized to the portrayal of these acts and eventually
wants something more. Unfortunately, there are those who do want and find
>But I get the feeling that if you are straight with kids all the way they
>will understand most things. I don't want to shelter any kids I have since
>I think that will, in the end, confuse them worse than ever (and take
>something away from someone and they want it instantly, right?).
Absolutely. I believe wholeheartedly in being honest with them. Honest
communication is a *huge* chunk of what makes a family work.
> If I had kids, I'd take 'em to see Motorhead in an instant (if they
>wanted to go :)
[I'll spare you a lecture on the sensitivity of children's ears. :-) ]
Damon Capehart, from his crappy new account. (graduation has its
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