HW: Black Sword (Forward)

langner timothy 96163497 at BROOKES.AC.UK
Mon Jun 16 08:10:27 EDT 1997

John said:
>Mr. Langner:
>are you dyslexic or just type very carelessly or what?
>John Majka
>flossbac at wcic.org

I'm both, although if you want other excuses I've got diphia which is slight
coordination problems (hand writing) so for all I know may be some fingers hit
other keys first. I don't think I have other excuses I can add! I'll use the
spell checker next time.

Oh I like to ask does any one know what is going to happen with the 1970
hakwind concert film found? Could any one here watch a silent film, I
certainly would if it was the only way to see it.

Come hawkwind let us see you play even if there is no sound. It's better than

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