Surgeons in Toronto & Buffalo
Albert T Bouchard
ir004728 at MINDSPRING.COM
Wed Jun 18 19:37:29 EDT 1997
Jerry Van Kooten forwarded this to me:
NSS <tcd at> wrote:
>Hi folx,
> So I'm out with Gooch and we are walking to a club to see a band.
>As we
>walk by another club called the Star Bar, I hear a band playing "Cities On
>Flame With Rock And Roll" by Blue Oyster Cult. I step in and ask the door
>man who's playing. He said "Oh it's a band from NYC called The Brain
>Surgeons." Which is non other than Albert Bouchard's (Blue Oyster Cult's
>original drummer) solo project with his wife rock critic Deborah Frost. I
>was livid. I paid the $2 (I repeat $2) cover and went inside (actually
>Gooch paid for me, I was too busy flipping out.) The did a lot of Brain
>Surgeon material with a couple of BOC covers. There was 70 people in the
>bar, I swear to God that there was less than 10 of us there who knew what
>was going on. When the band kicked into "Dominance and Submission" at the
>end of the first set. I started to flip out and band was laughing their
>heads of watching me go nuts.
> Well, I bought a copy of the new album and had the band autograph it.
>Albert autographed my cd, "To NSS, Burn The House -Albert Bouchard" What a
>sick dude! Well, we shot the shit for about a half hour if not more about
>BOC and rock and roll, he was such a sweet heart.
> Now hear's the kicker. They played "Astronomy" near the end of
>the second
>set. I went nuts! Half way through the song, Deborah invited me on stage
>to sing with time. I lost me cookies, I asked her if I could play her
>guitar, she said "sure".
>Enough said! I'm not familial with The Brain Surgeon's material but her is
>a listing of the BOC tunes that did.
>Cities On Flame With Rock And Roll
>Dominance And Submission <- Sick!!!!
>The Red And Black
>Astronomy <- Ahhhhhhhh!!!
>The Valley Nights <- El super mondo rare Boc tune for Spectres
>Career Of Evil <- Flipped
And, in a private message, NSS wrote:
> Jerry,
> Now hear's the special part. I was sick to my stomach for not knowing
> anything about the show. I didn't have my Mirror's or your Cultasaurus
> Eretus cd anywhere near me. So I bought you a copy of the new Brain
> Surgeons "Box Of Hammers". I told the guys who you were and Albert signed
> it "To Jerry Van Kooten-Greetings To Netherlanders-Albert Bouchard"
> Another guy in the band signed it "Have a safe flight" (to the cd) So I am
> so pumped to be able to get you this.
So there you are, another perspective on the Star Bar.
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