OFF: coloured vinyl... was HW something...

Daniel Wikdahl mpj95wid at MC.HIK.SE
Fri Jun 20 09:10:32 EDT 1997

I have "trashed" the mails concerning the topic "coloured Levitation LP etc"
 and can't remember the old title of the thread...

But, anyway, I have the same experience as many of you: picture discs and
LPs with other colours than black (I know, I know... black is not a colour, but
you get the point) are sounding bad. I think this is really strange 'cos I
can't see any reason why this should be the case. Vinyl is vinyl... no matter
what the colour is. I have also read that even black LPs are coloured in some
way... i.e black is not the natural colour of vinyl... but still there's too
often a clear difference in soundquality between black vinyl and other vinyl
 to convince me that this is just a coincidence.

        mvh -Daniel
ps trevlig midsommar Johan, Dan, Richard och Henrik... ta det lugnt
med sillen och spånken bara... eller gör inte det förresten... ds

"Jag har en papegoja -så jag bestämmer" (Rickard Fuchs)

Daniel Wikdahl
Kaptensgatan 2a
S-39 236 KALMAR
0480-245 11

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