OFF:"no, no they're great LP's"
Cliff and Pam Wheaton
cwheaton at MICRON.NET
Fri Jun 27 12:14:13 EDT 1997
Mark Edmonds wrote:
> re: The Gong album debate
> In a dim distant universe, I used to own probably about 90% of the Gong
> LPs (there was an Allen solo album done on a 4-track which I didn't get
> - which was that?) and really enjoyed them. They opened up a whole new
> musical sphere to me and Hillage heavily influenced my guitar playing.
> However, something went seriously wrong (probably my introduction to
> Zappa) and almost overnight, Gong seemed purile and I just couldn't take
> all that flying teapot pixie stuff. No matter how good the music, I was
> whincing so much at the vocals that I could no longer enjoy it. The
> fusion albums just struck me as being competant but nothing special and
> one of them was definitely difficult listening. My Gong collection got
> sold off and I never hanker for the sound. This ramble is merely
> intended as a warning to those starting off in Gong - you may find the
> longevity lacking. On the other hand, enjoy it to the full, start making
> those pixie whooping sounds, chime those tibetan bells and get
> practising that syncopated wah-wah pedal echoed guitar riff! Oh, and if
> you're sharing digs, NEVER leave your teapot in the kitchen 'cos one day
> you'll find it full of mushrooms.
My Teapot(s) are carefully displayed in a case and amongst the large
book collection. I have yet to have these pixies put anything
interesting in them:(. Darn. I sure am enjoying the goofiness right now!
Oh-at last count theres about 40 of them. Any contributions are welcome!
Gads how I'd like to find an actual "Flying Teapot" _I'd add that one in
a heartbeat, jut for the nuttiness of it!!
Pam Wheaton Cliff Wheaton
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