HW: News from Dave
M Holmes
Fri Mar 14 09:25:19 EST 1997
Dave Berry writes:
> On 14 Mar 11:00, M Holmes wrote:
> > Carl E. Anderson writes:
> > > > >Astounding Sounds live album out 1st of May, including many
> > > > >unreleased tracks.
> > > Woah. W'at's this?
> > I think it means that Trev Hughes, after a campaign lasting 20
> > years, finally persuaded Dave to release "Time For Sale".
> Wassat then?
It was a Calvert track played on the late 1976 tour. It depends whether
the gig is from the early 1976 tour which featured Warrior stuff or the
late 1976 tour which featured tracks from Amazing and early versions of
Quark/PXR5 tracks.
Time For Sale
Roll up everybody, here's an offer you can't refuse.
If you're wasted price'll show ya' more surprise if you've got the blues
Wouldn't you like to tell that card from way back before you fail?
Why don't you take a look at my stock, I've got time for sale.
Works out quite expensive but you've a lot of time to pay
So don't be apprehensive come on, buy up the time today
Wouldn't you like to tell that card from way back before you fail?
Oh Why don't you take a look at my stock, I've got time for sale.
time for sale.
time for sale.
time for sale.
Got what you need - it's all guarenteed
You can have a time of a whale
If the boss don't suit ya - you can try on the ledger
You don't have to pay on the nail - I've got time for sale.
'ere.....D'you wanna buy some time?
Want to buy some time?
Coz' I've got second-hand time for sale.
second hand time
second hand time for sale.
Take a look in his pouch
You see what I see there?
That's Helen Of Troy there!
- He got Helen Of Troy there!
You can have her if you pay for time
second-hand time
first hand time
I've got first hand time, once upon a time
a second a second a second a second
I sicken for this time
second hand time time time
first hand time time time
I can sell to you an hour
or a complete eternity
I can sell to you the power
to have complete immortality
Wouldn't you like to be the boy
who could make the old mantra quale
Lying in the arms of Helen Of Troy
I've got time for sale
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