BOC and Other Stuff
ABrevard at SHL.COM
Thu Mar 20 13:58:03 EST 1997
Theo>The wheeze fest will be bad enough, what with 3OC not even
headlining [I presume] and playing for a half-hour.
A good reason to skip the wheezer fests, unless you want to see all the
bands that day.
FoFP>Does anyone have a current email address for Rudy?
J. Swartz>"Last one I had was:
Rudich at VOLPE2.DOT.GOV"
Thats the one and its working again, at least today. I have a Deep
Purple Boot tape he's been helping me out with. His server has been
screwey for a while. Catch him while you can FoFP.
Shari> 'Derek mentioned I might like Hawkwind, too, but I haven't been
able to find any around here. Could someone give me an idea of what
they're like before I special order it? "
Try starting with Live Chronicles either version. Worked for this BOC
fan who knew nothing about HW. If your in to good jamming I also
reccomend Live 79, bound to be cheaper than Chronicles.
>Any other Q'ryche fans out there think the Lady In Black would be a
> great cover for BOC?
> I think The Roads to Madness would be cool, or Child of Fire.
Road to Madness could work, real interesting possibilities. Never
considerd Child of Fire though, will have to re-spin it to see.
>yeah, sometimes a black, screaming, hell sword is just a black, screaming,
Depends on which end of the sword your on. 8>).
lil ab
ob cd - Thunder Seven - Triumph
"Qouta Complete"
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