Queens of Deliria & Bootlegs
Yuri Elik
uriah at POP.CONVEY.RU
Sat Mar 22 16:52:56 EST 1997
Andrew A. Apold wrote:
> Butterworth's bibliogrophy entry:
> The time of the Hawklords (1976)
> Queens of Deliria (1977)
> Planets of Peril (1977) <- Space 1999 stuff
> Mindbreaks of Space (1977) (with Jeff Jones) Space 1999 stuff
> The Space Jackers (1977) Space 1999 stuff
> The Psychomorph (1977) Space 1999 stuff
> The Time Fighters (1977) Space 1999 stuff
> The Edge of the Infinite (1977) Space 1999 stuff.
I have an old edition of QoD and on the back cover it is written:
This is the second volume in the trilogy which began with _The Time of
the Hawklords_.
The final volume _Ledge of Darkness_ will be published in 1978.
Since you didn't mention it, it seems ths 3rd volume was never released?
Yuri Elik
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