OFF: reviews of some new CDs
dcapehar at UTDALLAS.EDU
Mon Mar 24 15:01:23 EST 1997
On Fri, 21 Mar 1997, cjohnson wrote:
> * Pressurehed - 'Explaining the Unexplained' (77min)
> IMHO This is the best Pressurehed yet.
I think so too. Actually, I think EtU is about par with Sudden Vertigo
(barely better), but both of them are excellent. Phrankly I think they're
as good as some of the best Hawkwind ever was.
> * Far Flung - 'The Raven Ate the Moon'
> I think that this was originally supposed to be called 'Landing on
> Cydonia' (also the name of a tune from the first album '25,000 Feet
> Per Second'). I haven't picked this up yet because I haven't found
> anyone carrying it yet. A glowing review was published in a local
> Florida music magazine, so keep your eyes open. Once again, this
> will be on Flipside Records (out of San Fran?).
I think I'm going to try and order this one.
Hmmm... lists "25000 ft/sec" and "Landing on
Cydonia", for $11.44 and $11.40 respectively. CDNow has the same thing,
only "Landing" is listed as unavailable: "New release (date not
There is a webpage, however.
Here's a clip, with info about the new album. (All typos their fault)
---------- Included portion ----------
The Raven That Ate The Moon
Full length CD with data
Flipside Records [FLIPnn]
Our latest release has just been hatched out. Was mostly cooked up right
in the studio with little or no preparation, we went in and just rolled
tape - about 40 minutes worth. The result has surpased our wildest dreams.
Chief Engineer Grimley has again taken the space proned gentleman of
Farflung and converted the inter-chakra mystomindoinsanities into finely
honed streaming content. Will incorporate a unique third eye sono-
hallucinal entrance method. This is a core [space rock] technology that
was very popular during the early sixties and again in the late seventies
and was used at many group music festivals and acid tests/tastes. Included
will be a 3D rendering software that will allow the recipiant a hi-
fidelity omni-sensory experience and controlled psycho-activation
situation without the use of drugs, or if you (p)refer, with drugs...
As always Farflung is commited to providing you, the listener, with only the
very best and latest in [mind alteration]/perception styling/maintenance
products / services. Please ask your local record dealer to pre-order a few
copies of "The Raven That Ate The Moon" now, that means immediately. Out
soon on FLIPSIDE!
Sound clip! Here's a whiff of what you will encounter on "The Raven That Ate
The Moon" [Raven Pt. 2 3.8MB WAV]
---------- End included portion ----------
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