abrevard at SHL.COM
Wed Mar 26 08:48:29 EST 1997
lil ab>How does it compare to Dead Winter Dead?
Jerry>"Jesus Saves is in the same symphonic metal tradition as the rest
of the albums Streets and Gutter Ballet (especially the song Gutter
Ballet). Dead Winter Dead is heavier but has some songs on the symphonic
side. Overall, you might like DWD better than Streets. Oliva on guitar?
Criss Oliva is dead, you didn't know? Jon is doing the keyboards. The
gig I attended, he sung Gutter Ballet (fortunately!)."
Uh actually Jerry I do realize Cris died, some time betwen Edge of
Thorns and Handful of Rain, which has a dedication to Cris. Wasn't
Streets released prior to Thorns? I asked becuase I don't ahve a lot of
history on the lineup prior to Thorns, except for Power of Night. I
don't assume the lineup is or was the same for albums like Sirens, Fight
for the Rock, Gutter Ballet, Hall of The Mountain King or Streets.
Night sounds nothing like recent Sav at all except for Jon's Lemmy
impersonation 8>). Was just curious since Streets was a theme/rock
opera did it have the same symphonic styling of DWD. May give Streets a
spin becuase I do like DWD.
>"Most Savafans" - which albums do they prefer? Maybe it's too symphonic for
Well the couple I've traded notes with are big fans of Rain, Edge and
DWD, most of the discussion centers on these and the TSO project Oliva
and the band did for X-mas. We all seem to be into this bands most
current work and none of us I dare say are infintely familiar with the
early stuff. If Zak isn't the vocalist on Streets and Gutter Ballet,
that might explain their dislike. Other than that I honestly couldn't
say. If I may, are you familiar with any of those early works like
FftR, HotMK, Sirens etc; are they more like Power Of Night?
Thanks in advance
lil' ab
*My number is NM 156*
OBCD - Galactic Cowboys - Machine Fish
"Time to leave the craft
with all my strength I open up the hatch
parts unknown
between the twilight and danger zone
Fear Not"
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