BOC fans in Indiana area

Shari Hill ShariHill at AOL.COM
Thu Mar 27 16:57:15 EST 1997

OK . . . I've been whining about being a new fan that's never seen BOC play,
and as I was pondering this earlier today, an idea flickered through the
cobwebs and stuck around:  we've got a semi-new radio station in South Bend
that's trying hard to win listeners over from the older stations.  One way
they're doing this is by attempting to bring in bands for live shows at a
local club.  They've snagged Stir, Darla Hood, and one of those
aforementioned Dinosaur bands, Gene Loves Jezebel, so far this month.  I'm
sure they'd be willing to try for BOC--assuming they can catch them and get
things set up.

Now, if there are any more BOC fans around Northern Indiana on this list,
feel free to contact WRBR out of Mishawaka, IN and put your two cents in.
 Let me know if you contact information--I'm still looking for an email or
internet address, but I can also scrounge up a phone # if you want that.  Who
knows?  It might work!


"On the other hand, you have different fingers."

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