HW: 85 concert video differences?

Randy hawkwind at INTERACCESS.COM
Thu May 1 15:51:58 EDT 1997

At 05:39 PM 5/1/97 +0100, you wrote:
>Could someone tell what the differences are between the 2 conicles of the
>Black sword concert videos are. I broguht one a while ago for 5.99 and havn't
>aclue whihc one it is. Where were the edits made. Also does this new extended
>version include the bits cut from the orginal mailing list copy?

The other video version of conicles of the Black sword is 70 mins long
and has 4 extra tracks Coded Languages, Born To Go, Utopia, Levitation.

hawkwind at interaccess.com

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