Was: HLL & HW..also Sabbath
Ian R Fines
ianfines at JUNO.COM
Thu May 8 15:26:57 EDT 1997
>On this same subject, but veering a bit off-topic...does anyone know
>up with this "Ozz-fest" tour that's happening over here in the states.
> The
>ad says Ozzy Osbourne, and then Black Sabbath, followed by a load of
>that I couldn't care less about. What exactly does that mean? Is
>*not* a reunion of the original line-up (perhaps minus only Bill
>Ward)? It
>sounds to me like Ozzy would be performing with his bunch of no-names,
>following a performance by Iommi fronted by Tony Martin along with a
>of Whitesnake rejects. Would that be stupid, or what??
Well it IS rather stupid. Ozzy is playing with his usual band o' cheese,
while the Sabbath "reunion" is Iommi, Ozz, Butler, minus Ward, with Mike
Bordin from Faith No More (why?) on drums. I am on the Sabbath listserv,
and this topic has been addressed a million times. Everyone seems to
agree that this is NOT a reunioun, and is merely another money making
scheme. For goddsakes, all three members have been quoted as saying "I am
never going to play with those other guys ever again". Plus, I sent an
e-mail message to Ozzy at WorldofOzz at aol.com, complaining that Sharon,
ozzy's wife and manager, is behind not having Ward on the tour (which she
says she has "certain", blackmail-type, reasons for). I also added that
Ozzy is being pushed around by Sharon like David St. Hubbins was pushed
around by his girlfriend in _Spinal Tap_. Anyway, he sent me back this
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Um, excuse me but, SHARON IS MY MANAGER. What do you think manager's do?
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