OFF New Trendy LA thing par

Daniel Wikdahl mpj95wid at MC.HIK.SE
Tue May 13 14:01:27 EDT 1997

Dane wrote;

>In LA it is a private business thing. You pay and put these nose plugs on,
like at the dentist's. And for 20 minutes you get the real thing. With Japan
and LA you have such pollution problems, the air gets a little murky, and
now these problems can be capitalized on.

What a low way of make a living!
Things like that should be free...
If this is something that people need (I think that's the way in Japan) then
the society is obliged to provide the people with this. The service
shouldn't cost you anything but it could be financed by gas-taxes and so on...
This is the way things used to work in Sweden (OK... I know we have the highest
taxes in the world ;-) and I liked it... nobody should ever be able to make
a profit on someone-elses suffering.
It also shouldn't make any difference what you earn/what your economical
standard are when you're going to use medical care or related
oxygen bars -I meen you shouldn't have to consider if you can afford the service
or not, good medical treatment is not for rich people only...
Whith this I don't meen that doctors should (well... maybe some of them... I
don't like the ieda of being a doctor to get rich... it should be a
calling)have their wages reduced...

Lots of "shouldn't-s" above. :-)
A rather political statement too I supose.

mvh -Daniel Wikdahl

"Jag har en papegoja -så jag bestämmer" (Rickard Fuchs)

Daniel Wikdahl
Kaptensgatan 2a
S-39 236 KALMAR
0480-245 11

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