HW/BOC: DharmaBrock

Wed May 14 19:44:22 EDT 1997

Tell him that it is a fantastic idea.  BOC has a decent following in NY, some
of whom even went to a classic rock fest in Buffalo last summer just to
hear them play 5 songs...  Diversity in festivals is always beneficial to the
bands (who get exposed to a new clique of fans), the promoters (who draw in
larger crowds to see each type of band instead of just fans of one genre), and
the fans (who get introduced to a style of music that they may not have
experienced live).  Oh, it would also be a perfect event for me to wear my
Nethawks t-shirt to!
        I'm a BOC fan who was infected with the Hawkwind virus back in '93
because of this list.  Rock is Rock, and I believe that Hassan I Sahba, or
Alien (I Am), fits in smoothly with The Vigil, and Harvest Moon.
        Perhaps the most important aspect of these two bands is that they
both put on GREAT SHOWS.  That should be more important than their differences
in musical style.  Now, invite the Brain Surgeons, and you've got yourself
a festival that could lay Lollapalooza to rest permanently...


>I got email from one of the organizers of the Labor Day festival that
>might include both Dave Brock and Buck Dharma.  He was curious about
>what interest there would be in such a thing.  But, he isn't on boc-l,
>so he wanted me to ask for him.  So... react.

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