OFF New Trendy LA thing par

Daniel Wikdahl mpj95wid at MC.HIK.SE
Thu May 15 06:44:42 EDT 1997

At 03:58 PM 5/14/97 EDT, you wrote:
>>With this I don't meen that doctors should (well... maybe some of
>>them... I
>>don't like the ieda of being a doctor to get rich... it should be a
>>calling)have their wages reduced...
>>Lots of "shouldn't-s" above. :-)
>>A rather political statement too I supose.
>Yes...but professional atheletes should have their wages reduced as well,

Hehe, well... why not? A lot of wages in sports are with no doubt too
high... but at the same time there's a lack of the moral dilemma that comes
with well-payed doctors.
But... atheletes are payed for doing nothing really... and thats another moral
And yet another dilemma... maybe those who are working with human life should
have the highest wages of everybody 'cause it's such a importent job...


"Jag har en papegoja -så jag bestämmer" (Rickard Fuchs)

Daniel Wikdahl
Kaptensgatan 2a
S-39 236 KALMAR
0480-245 11

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