christian cannibal at CUTEY.COM
Fri Nov 7 17:36:19 EST 1997

At 19:58 07/11/97 +0000, you wrote:
> However, its definitely streets ahead of A4 and
>IITBOTFTBD (bastard of an acronym!) but might have trouble beating
>Electic Tepee - which no one seems to talk about - is ET not rated by
>you lot?

Electric Tepee is an AWESOME album. Rates in my all time top 3 of any record.
Don't know why it's not talked about much, I think it's pretty underrated.
Dave's ecstatic and heavy guitar noodling, Davey's much more prominent/heavy
bass and the out of this world synth textures... I always thought Chadwick's
drums were a little flat/canned sounding in a way. But just the driving/
psychey/spacey-ness of the music on ET.... Of latter day albums only Xenon
Codex comes near, but it has a few throwaways in comparison.

I thought Biz Trip was great, but not IITFTBD, which I still think is crap.
Alien 4 and LiS i find so lame at times even if I occasionally try to listen
to them (why am I the only one who likes Beam Me Up huh?). Well, ok, Alien 4
is okay but why they even bothered doing Love In Space is beyond me....


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