HW: New Black Sword Video

Ron Jennings sprawl at STARLINX.COM
Tue Nov 11 08:27:15 EST 1997

Mark Edmonds wrote:

i tried this, and yes, one fell behind the other.  i also tried synching
griffins live chronicles cd with
castle's, and noticed they they sounded completely different. different
highs and lows, over-all tone.
it lasted a couple of minutes, sounded really cool, but that soon lost sync
as well. (not to mention
track differences.)
i also noticed little guitar tricks in the griffin cd that i was unable to
detect in earlier versions.

> Incidentally, has anyone else ever tried synching the CD to the video?
> Assuming my video and CD play at the correct speed, there are some
> interesting tempi differences between the two - someone somewhere has
> meddled with the tape speeds!
> Thanks for any answers,
> Mark

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