HE: Swindon
langner timothy
96163497 at BROOKES.AC.UK
Tue Nov 11 15:15:14 EST 1997
Just like to apologise for not spell checing my last posting I send it by
mistake when I hadn't spell checked it.
Swindon 10/11/97 last night of the tour.
I often hoped last night meant the band would do a bit more because it was the
last night and might as well have some fun with it but no chance. All songs
were the same order as everywhere else.
Sound check was nice (see pervious posting on that)
This time Crum was next to Dave and they had a dancer. She came on during
golden void, space is their Palestine and the rest of assassins of Allah.
After that it was just the band and captain razzi.
Songs were good. wheels, assault and battery were better than Oxford but he
intro in golden void was shorter. Shame! I enjoyed the rest of the songs but
wondered. Who does sonic attack main vocals? Tonight was differently Brock but
at Oxford I thought it was Ron. Any way that was fine. Best song of the night?
Hmm difficult but at the current time it may be raptiod visions. Warriors was
good and so was golden void and of course brainstorm but I like the intro and
verse to raptoid bu that now. Oh I forgot to mention song of the gremlin that
was just as good as raptiod. And so was aerospace age inferno. so at least 3
favourites there but I've heard the other favourites before and can find
better versions from pervious tours
So after it all I waited around to meet the band. Not allowed back stage so
had to wait outside. so I waited and waited. Richard came past because since I
had only seen the band live twice and seen him in the distance I was totally
sure if it was him so I didn't ask for his autograph but I got it later any
way. Other Someone else was around he left and then someone else came along.
Richard and a load of the crew got chucked out. Any way I didn't wait around
after that. left to go home and do some course work at the B&B (couldn't get
train back). to hand in for today. Oh and I stuck on my Hawkwind tapes.
from everyone dancing madly at oxford to people sitting down most of gig at
Swindon. at oxford Richard chadwick was amongst the crowd for Harvey's set but
I wasn't sure if it was him then or just some band crew. But of course harder
to do that at Swindon since seating.
Timmy Langner
An even happier Hawkwind fan than the on who was already happy having seen
them for first time.
Timmy Langner
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