HW: New Black Sword Video

Mark Edmonds mmje at MMJE.DEMON.CO.UK
Wed Nov 12 17:55:55 EST 1997

In article <01bceeae$9a4eb1a0$373e3bcb at xl5.iinet.net.au>, William Duffy
<xl5 at IINET.NET.AU> writes

>What HW videos are actually in stereo? Is it only Live Legends & Love In

I must admit that I don't have it right to hand at present, but I always
thought the Chaos video was stereo and I very tentatively think the
Bristol Bike Show is. No doubt someone can confirm this (both these
videos are in store so I can't check).

Whilst we are on this topic, does anyone have or know about the Live
Legends tape being available on Laser Disc? I have seen a Hawkwind entry
listed in a catalogue but no title was shown against it. Is there anyone
Stateside where LDs are more common who can add to this?



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