HW: Distant Horizons lyrics

Fri Nov 14 00:55:51 EST 1997

Does it seem to anyone else that HW are rehashing a lot of old stuff on
this new album?

On Thu, 13 Nov 1997 22:31:17 -0000 Andrew Gilham
<Andy.Gilham at BTINTERNET.COM> wrote:
>Reptoid Vision:

This is just Part II of "Alien I Am", it seems to me.  It even has the
same basic main-riff (the tritone riff at the beginnings).  I mean, it's
an awesome song, but just a bit unoriginal.

>Population Overload:

Just a different angle on "Heads"? or am I thinking of a different song?
 I'm probably wrong about this one. :-)

>Ship of steel, container of oil
>In this world of the wheel
>This world of oil
>Our watch is declared, we must move on
>Blackbird was heard, we were death to its song
>Eyes of Apaches dictating the smoke
>In cities, is there no hope?
>In this world of the wheel
>This world of oil
>World of the wheel
>World of oil

Hmmm... isn't this just Assassins of Allah?

Oh, well... as if HW has never rehashed old material before. :-)


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