HW Rarest

J Strobridge eset08 at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK
Mon Nov 17 05:13:30 EST 1997

john.m.gray writes:

> pirate singles.  And while maybe not rare, at least hard for me to find are
> the original Polish postcards.
> Back to lurking,
> John

ah ha!   I've just bought a whole selection of these.   Since my source
is utterly trustworthy I think they are likely to be originals but he
also admitted that he didn't know much about these although he reckoned
that *his* source was trustworthy.    Anyhow - the upshot is I've
probably got (or will have soon) about 20 what I hope will be original
Polish postcards but is there any way of absolutely verfying this?



J.D.Strobridge at ed.ac.uk                         eset08 at holyrood.ed.ac.uk
                                                ELIJSA at srv0.arts.ed.ac.uk

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