Theo/Live Albums/Stuff

BREVARD, Adrian R. abrevard at SHL.COM
Tue Nov 18 08:40:48 EST 1997

>Well, I'm old, overweight, losing my hair, have a shitty job, and my
>dogs won't obey me...

Aw quit your whinning.  At least we here at BOC-L still love ya. 8>)

>Didn't you once say "to solve US's problems we need to nuke the whole
                       mvh - Daniel

Been there, done that. Can't you tell?

>YES!  Why aren't there, dammit?  ("All The World's A Stage" being my very
>favorite live recording.) I'm tired of hearing live albums that sound like
>studio tracks with an overdubbed audience.  The only live album I've heard
>made in the last couple years that made my hair stand on end was King
>Crimson's "B'boom"--a self-described "official bootleg."

Great point.  Stage is a solid number 2 (for me) after feet/knees.
Fortunate enough to have seen many tours that resulted in live albums or
supported live albums during the 70's.  Feet & Stage rank in the top
becuase both bands sounded like those recordings when I saw them.  Best
Live album I have heard in years is Y&T Live, the farewell recording
from Metal Blade records. Not counting boots here.

Speaking of Live albums does King Biscuit have a website?  I'm sure they
have tons of BOC shows in their vaults why not release one.

Torgo>Not this time I am afraid. I WILL catch them again!!!!! If someone
write a MONSTER review like Jason did, I'll feel like I was there! Great

Wow what year is this?  Torgo posted!

lil ab

"I believe that situations all depend on circumstance."

OBCD - Ear Candy, King's X

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