HW : Too long albums (was NEW ALBUM ROCKS!!!!) (Forward)

Yuri Elik uriah at TANGRAM.SPB.RU
Thu Nov 20 09:08:30 EST 1997


Mark Edmonds wrote:
> Anyway, despite people contending that HW never did a duffer, you have
> to be objective about it and there are plenty of them. My overall top
> nominee has to be the absolutely dreadful Gimme Shelter on IITBOTFTBD > - it nearly has the same self-strangulation effect that the theme tune
> to Neighbours does to me!
Well, I don't think we'll find even one tune that all BOC-L members
equally like (or dislike). As for me, I quite like Gimme Shelter :)

Yury Elik
mailto:uriah at pop.convey.ru

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