HW: DH vs. ... (Forward)

langner timothy 96163497 at BROOKES.AC.UK
Fri Nov 21 17:46:11 EST 1997

>I do wonder about one thing though,
>        after listening to a tape Richard Chadwick called "the new
>        album" during the US tour there have been several songs
>        added/deleted. Two very exciting psychedelic tunes were
>        dropped and replaced with average ones. I was very pleased
>        about this new direction since its what I listen to the most
>        at this point in my life. They would have fit, bringing the time
>        from around 50 minutes up to 65 or so. I guess one could
>        argue that thematically they don't match, but hey DH is
>        kinda a mixed bag anyway. I hope these songs see the
>        light of day soon.

No chance you menaged to get a cpy of thse soongs or anything? Dobut it but
how many were there. 2 or more nad do you knwo nay detials about them. Sound
interesting. Well now hawkwind have there own web site we can lobby them fro
them to be realised. Perpahs they will end up na Pschadlic warlords album?
Still havn't heard the frist one jet. Just ddnt know ti existed for a while
until I saw 2 albums I didn't have in a record shp. locals ones were no good.

>        Anyone figured out the words to Phatamine Street?

Does any one have the words to song of the germlin?
or some fo the captina razzi stuff which has been done live?
>Doug Bates
Timmy Langner

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