HW: Hawkwind, _The 1999 Party_ (Review)
herbert rosenberg
Sat Nov 22 02:29:38 EST 1997
>First of all, am I correct in assuming that 1999 has yet to be
>released Stateside?
>2nd, doesn't Damon Capehart live in the US?
>3rd, didn't Carl write a beautiful, mouth-watering review?
>I think Damon, by cutting up Carl's note, was taking a little
>revenge the now-residing-in-England Carl, for himself and the rest
>of us Americans!
>Thank you, Damon!
Erm... no comment. [*sigh* :-? ]
Yeah, you've said enough already... :)
BTW, Mike Coleman is getting back on the ball again. He was as
depressed as anyone would be for missing StrangeDaze. I should be
getting my copies of DH and 1999 soon.
How much is Mike asking for these?
Thanks, Charlie
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