Worthing gig

langner timothy 96163497 at BROOKES.AC.UK
Wed Oct 1 14:21:29 EDT 1997


Can anyone tell me how the worthing gig went?

My borther went to it and hopfuly should have taped it for me so if any one is
interested in a copy let me know. The quility of it, if it came out should be
about rating 3 out of 5 so not ditial quility but all I could do.

Also does any one have any photos or know where I can get, hard copy photos,
of the worhting gig (if possi with the songs or areas of gig taken). This
would be a great addition to my tape. Thanks!

I almost missed 2 concert due to geograpy field trips but only have to go on 1
and have had some of my lession re timatabled so I can see hawkwind at swindon

Does any one know if a ticket saying Hawkwind palying at the zodica on sept.
29th is worth anything since they changed the date and obivosuly issued new
tickets. It's numbered 3.


Timmy Langner

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