HW: Ambient Anarchists

Jon Browne jon at COMICS.DEMON.CO.UK
Tue Oct 7 09:30:31 EDT 1997

In article <199710062336.SAA24108 at wcic.org>, John Majka
<flossbac at WCIC.ORG> writes
>Ambient Anarchists:  what is it?  Is this a recent bootleg cdr or something?
>I don't know what everyone's talking about!
>John Majka
>flossbac at wcic.org

It's a new  2 x CD HW compilation, very reasonable UKP 9.99, with a good
range of better quality tracks, and no Douglas In The Jungle. It's a
good choice of sampler to introduce the band to new listeners, but
unless you're a completist I don't believe there's anything new on it.
Jon Browne
ObCD - Skip Spence - Oar

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