HW: Ambient Anarchists
Kenneth Magnusson
Thu Oct 9 01:59:35 EDT 1997
>Jon Browne wrote:
>>John Majka <flossbac at WCIC.ORG> writes
>> >Ambient Anarchists: what is it? Is this a recent bootleg cdr or something?
>> It's a new 2 x CD HW compilation, very reasonable UKP 9.99, with a good
>> range of better quality tracks, and no Douglas In The Jungle.
>Can anyone clue me in on "Douglas in the Jungle" ? It and a handful
>of other tracks ("Hash Cake" & "British Tribal Music", for example)
>always seem to crop up on these compilations that everyone advises
>me to steer clear of. Are these songs that bad? Or are they just
>throw-away ditties that no one would possibly rank with the rest of
>Hawkwind's catalog?
Well, I feel that Hash Cake (Cake Out ?) has a really strong Hawkwind vibe
to it, it's really good.
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