tBS: Peter Bohovesky-Tourette's Syndrome

herbert rosenberg chuck at GENESISNETWORK.NET
Tue Oct 28 04:49:31 EST 1997

> > Anyone know who jams with Peter on this album? Is "Donkey Show" the
> >  Box of Hammers version?
> Albert drums on seven of the tracks, including "Donkey Show", which is a
> different version.  A bunch of different players on the CD, no names I
> recognized (except I think his girlfriend sings on one).
> This is a remarkably vile CD, and highly recommended.  Very funny, with
> inventive, funky guitar workouts.  He gets serious once or twice and that
> works too.  The cover alone is worth the asking price - a disturbingly
> grotesque profile of Pete.  I got the CD this summer and took the cover
> some type of trick photography, until he graciously volunteered to
> it in person (accomplished by wedging a guitar pick under his upper lip).
> true renaissance man.

Would appreciate lyrics to "Tourette's Syndrome", if available.

A TS victim,


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