BOC on the Radio/Eric's Voice/EW/Concept Albums?
BREVARD, Adrian R.
abrevard at SHL.COM
Wed Sep 3 08:56:41 EDT 1997
Heard an advertisement on the radio this morning, the BOC show outside
of Baltimore 9/14. Pretty kewl as most of the music they played in the
background was from Club Ninja. Nice little ad made it seem as BOC is
as big as Aerosmith.
Eric's Voice - '95 was the last I hear Eric really belt out a tune.
Yeah they did Lips In The Hills and he seemed fine. Depending on how
bad he hurt it maybe he is just now recovering.
EW - I tend to agree with John that EB has not been deceiving us about
the album these last few years. Miles KB once told me that Eric is the
most positive person he has ever met. If he had one fault it is that he
could not tolerate anything negative around him. There is always a
bright side as he see's it. I think he's touted the album so heavily in
the past becuase he truly believed it was gonna happen.
BTW - Thanks John for the Website address.
Concept Albums? - Dunno can you define what really qualifies as a
concept album? I consider these great concept albums, most made in the
80-90's though:
King's X - Gretchen Goes To Nebraska
Queensryche - Operation Mindcrime
Savatge - Dead Winter Dead
Remember - "Honk if you love Justice."
lil ab
OBCD - Gutter Ballet, Savatage
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