More Boc and Radio/ Not the point I don't think/P-Funk?
BREVARD, Adrian R.
abrevard at SHL.COM
Thu Sep 4 08:56:45 EDT 1997
Heard the full commercial today and alas even when some try to do good
they still screw the pooch. Commercial is set to live versions of
'Zilla and Reaper. They throw in Dancin' in The Ruins and a small bit
of In Thee at the end. The problem with the commercial is the band is
identified as Donald Roeser, Eric Bloom, Allen Lanier, John Rodgers and
Chuck Burgi. Man how many lineups ago was that? Oh well at least you
get to hear a bit of BOC over the airwaves.
>My opinion? Well, I think Eric has been singing a long time, perhaps more
>than 30 years, so cut the guy some slack!!!! He is, at least to me, a
>good person and he STILL enjoys rocking.....
>God bless.....Manuel
Isn't this a bit of an extreme reaction Manuel? I don't think people
were knocking Eric as much as showing concern for his condition and his
apparent recovery. I for one I'm real happy that Eric seems on the road
to recovery. The 96 show I saw when Buck did most of the vox was
absolutely the worst BOC performance I have ever witnessed. It was hard
watching Eric just sit behind the keys all night looking more like a
stand-in than BOC's front man. Its a good thing if old Fartknocker
steps up to the mic and resumes his position as one of the kewlest lead
men in the business; its where he belongs.
>I was about to mention FZ. However there is another 2 words
>Parliament/Funkadelic virtually all there albums are concept but look no
>further than Mothership Connection to hear the funkiest concept album
>I remain
Good call. Do you Underwater Boogie with a Flashlight? Remeber folks
in the long run were Just One Nation Under A Groove.
lil ab
"Hang ten for justice." - The Tick
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