Lemmy and Motorhead on King Biscuit

Gary Davis artshop at ARTIST-SHOP.COM
Mon Sep 22 00:02:39 EDT 1997

Since I've seen recent mention of Lemmy on this list, I trust this won't
seem too far off topic.  I've recently received the promo of King Biscuit's
new Motorhead CD.  I've put up graphics, soundbites and relevant info on
this at <http://www.artist-shop.com/kbiscuit>.  This disc also includes a 21
minute interview with Lemmy that is really neat!  Let's just say he doesn't
hold anything back!

While you're at The Artist Shop, please don't forget to stop by our Brain
Surgeons page at <http://www.artist-shop.com/cellsum>.


                              Gary Davis
The Artist Shop                              The Other Road
http://www.artist-shop.com       OtherRoad at aol.com

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