OFF: More Mooses (Meeses). (+stuff)

Rich Lockwood rich-l at GEOCITIES.COM
Wed Sep 24 09:23:18 EDT 1997

Andrew A. Apold wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >Just wanna let You know that there are Moose stamps on sale in Sweden now,
> >only for domestic use unfortunatly.
> That's to prevent a Moose stampede across the border.

My sister was bitten by a moose once.

(Or have we done that joke already)

(Not paying attention etc...!)



PS  Hard Rain (Magnum old boys keep going) tour details on my Magnum
site at

There are contact details for a few places I've seen HW mentioned as
playing in there too.

PPS  HW at Coney Island High - top gig, I'll get the photos developed
soon and post them somewhere.

PPPS ObLP  Only the Meteors are Pure Psychobilly

PPPPS Err, that's it.

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