OFF: The real Peter Green (Re: R.I.P. Cozy Powell)

reset mumford at ONLINE.NO
Mon Apr 13 07:21:16 EDT 1998

> Jon Browne writes:
> > As Cozy was holding Peter Green's Splinter Group together, I wonder if
> > this means he'll disappear again, too.
> This is the Peter Green who is supposed to be the ex Fleetwood Mac Peter
> Green?
> I'm told he isn't - it's a scam.

No! Not this time... it's NOT a scam. In the late 70s or early 80s someone
*was* posing as Green, and even fooled record companies and music papers
for a short while (never recorded tho!). Around this time the REAL Peter
Green flipped out with a shotgun somewhere, and was put away. Appearantly
he was pretty crazy for many years, even refusing royalty checks (and
living in poverty) but now the "real" Peter Green from the "real" Fleetwood
Mac lineup walks among us again, with his mind somewhat intact. He had to
relearn music from scratch from not playing for over 20 years.


> jill
> J.D.Strobridge at                         eset08 at
>                                                 ELIJSA at

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