Review of HF

Ted Jackson jr. 6L6 tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU
Fri Apr 17 13:19:54 EDT 1998

> From:          Hardman DK <D.K.Hardman at CITY.AC.UK>
> Subject:       Re: Review of HF
> Whoops, sleepy today and making mistakes. That's 8/10 for Damaged. Live
> for Me I'd say 5/10 (ducking the brickbats at this point.....).  Sorry
> 'bout that, as apparently some people hold this up as their fav. This
> really is the only one I can see myself skipping - even the heavier
> numbers that I thought didn't match up to earlier BOC (maybe an unfair
> comparison?) I still like in their own right.
Each to his own, I say, as long as you aren't a Rush fan!  I like
Live For Me a lot.  I like all of BD's ballads, w/possible exception
of BFY, only 'cause it's been done to death.  Esp. like the end of
LFM, with those beautiful arpeggiated chords, and the sound effects
of the kid's voice.  In fact, I was hoping BD would use more spec.
f/x, like the airplane noise before Damaged--kinda harkens back to
the first 3 records.  Those sound effects bet. songs really grabbed
me.  Also liked the way songs segued into each other w/out

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