BOC: So I'm not George Clooney (Was Baltimore)
BREVARD, Adrian R.
abrevard at SHL.COM
Fri Apr 24 13:41:54 EDT 1998
" I know, its me isn't it?" NOT!!!! Uh sorry I have this thing for
George Clooney who always seems to say this....
Scott>The Last Days of May (this was beyond comprehension, it was at
least 8-10 min long w/this massive fast jam in the middle), OD'd on Life
Itself, Dominance & Submission, Flaming Telepaths, ETI, Reaper,
Godzilla, The Vigil(!!!! I was totally blown away by this also), See You
in Black, Harvest Moon (another one that totally blew me away, with
Allen and Buck trading lead licks!),
After the Jaxx show I sure felt like George Clooney so thank you much
Scott for proving to myself that was not the case. Specifically, I have
never heard the Vigil sound like that before, nor Last Days. Its been
one whole week since the gig and I still don't know which of the three
(Vigil, May, Harvest) was the best song of the night. One of them was
but I'll be damned if I can decide. Does anyone have a laymens
explanation as to why the Vigil goes beyond awesome these days?
Ghort in the Ruins
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