HW: Smoke Dreams

J Strobridge eset08 at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK
Sat Apr 25 20:31:44 EDT 1998

Walrus writes:

> i just discoevered that dave brock has a couple of solo cd's out, the
> latest of which is something about pipe dreams.. anyway, what are they
> like? worth checking out? hawkwindy?

Not particularly Hawkwind.   Brock has a kind of individual style which
I personally find somewhat monotonous when he hasn't got the rest of the
band surrounding him.   Earthed to the Ground and  Agents of Chaos
(which isn't strictly a solo album I guess) were enjoyable.  Pipe Dreams
has some good tracks and some re-hashed (as it were) ones, and some bad
ones.   Overall, if you haven't got any  Brock solos it's worth buying -
the cover art and packaging alone are stunning enough just to keep on
display to impress folk - but if you are new to Hawkwind it might not
appeal that much to you musically.

> wal
> ps. also what about anubian nights?

Different - Nik Turner and companions in Industrial Rock Music mode.   I
quite like it but it's fairly sonorous and serious and occasionally
wierd.    I must give it another listen - haven't played it for a
while now!

J.D.Strobridge at ed.ac.uk                         eset08 at holyrood.ed.ac.uk
                                                ELIJSA at srv0.arts.ed.ac.uk

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