OFF: UK Charts

Carl Edlund Anderson cea20 at CUS.CAM.AC.UK
Wed Aug 5 16:45:06 EDT 1998

> Wot! no mention of the Me262!
> An outraged
> ChrisW

     ;)  Well, heresy though it may be on a BOC list, the actual
beast as produced and used doesn't do much for me.  Now had it
actually been allowed to come into its own as a fighter, I'd have
warmer feelings for it.  I generally like the German prop fighters,
and the Stuka had a certain gut-level charm.

     But none of it can really compete with a good T-34
or Panther for me.  Heavy metal! :)

Carl Edlund Anderson
Dept. of Anglo-Saxon, Norse, & Celtic
St. John's College, University of Cambridge
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