OFF: B0RN to G0 - Louis Boone/Professor Electron in critical condition

Jon Browne jon at COMICS.DEMON.CO.UK
Wed Aug 12 06:38:11 EDT 1998

In article <35CF18B6.6A9D5B77 at>, Marc Power <mpower at FCMC.COM>
>Louis has been diabetic for many years and had a diabetic crisis
>whilst we were driving back from a festival in Syracuse NY at
>which B0RN to G0 played.
>As far as we can tell, Louis has no living relatives and instead
>considers the SpaceRock community to be his family.

Tell him to hang in there.
I've got bastard diabetes too. I know what he's going through.

Doing festivals with diabetes is a real pig. I mean, it's do-able
but it takes some real work and you really have to check your blood
sugar levels every two hours or so. Fuck knows how Jerry Garcia coped
for so long.
>Your good wishes and support would be very helpful for him
>at this time.

He certainly has my very best wishes,

Brothers In Space,

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