HW: Unusual version of Quark????
Andrew Dawson
adawson at CLARA.NET
Thu Aug 13 14:59:42 EDT 1998
At 17:32 13/08/98 +0100, you wrote:
>Mark Edmonds writes:
>> Hi Folks,
>> Whilst shopping yesterday (Selectadisc, London) I came across a version
>> of Quark which I hadn't seen before. Its on the Griffin label (catalogue
>> number GCDHA-162-2), has the standard track list but has a completely
>> different cover to the power station interior we all know. I was hoping
>> it might be a new master but unlike the Griffin ASAM, I cannot tell any
>> immediate difference.
>> Has anyone come across this before and know whether there is any
>> difference to the original Virgin CD release and WHY the cover was
>> changed?
To which Jill Strobridge replied
>Haven't seen this one. Could you describe the cover? My guess is that
>when Quark was released in the States under the Griffin lable they
>either decided to or had to change the cover - perhaps the artwork
>copyright had run out by then?
>Dunno - just guessing.
Sounds to me like the CD from the Quark boxset (GCD 370-0) Griffin release.
At least the catalogue number is the same. It appears Griffin later split
out the CD's from the box sets.
Take a look at
and let me know if this is the same artwork.
Andrew Dawson
adawson at clara.net
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