HW: Elf & Hawk disc

sprawl sprawl at BLACKBOARD.COM
Sat Aug 29 21:05:15 EDT 1998

The elf stuff is cool. very similar to recent, sans the tree.
Some ambient, some riffage.
I like it.  If I see this disc, I will buy it.

A.L. Shefl wrote:
>   What light can you people shed on this before I return to that most
> dangerous pursuit of purchase contemplation?  As it's bowing in at
> Henrik's site, its availability should be improved beyond the realm of the
> hypothetical.
>   It's not fair to ask for comparisons to Alan Davey's more recent
> solo-ish efforts and not reasonable to ask for list consensus, but.
> anna
> Now playing: large chunks disgorged from the aftermath of Carl's journey
> to the greatest spacerock festival never heard
> --
> -----A.L.-Shefl,-Clare-Hall-----------------------------
>    Outer space is no place for a person of breeding.
>                Lady Violet Bonham Carter
> --------------------University-of-Cambridge--------------but my ideas

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