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Ted Jackson jr. s2h2
tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU
Mon Dec 7 06:32:49 EST 1998
> From: Stephen Swann <swann at PLUTONIA.COM>
> Actually, I have no idea what technique was used to remaster those
> Sabbath albums. A cursory scan of the case art and liner notes
> doesn't appear to say how the remasters were done, or even what party
> was responsible for them. SuperBitMappaing has been used on some
> other remasters that I'm fairly impressed with, but not on these,
> which I'm _really_ impressed with. Old, low-budget recordings like
> this have no business sounding so good. Of course, in another 10
> years, when my stereo budget (hopefully) increases by another
> 10-fold, I'll be back to dis these, too. ;-)
Have the Sony remasters ever been compared to the Castle remasters of
Sab? Or are they one and the same? I used to be on the Sab list,
and a lot of folks there were raving about the Castle remasters...
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