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Dave Berry daveb at HARLEQUIN.CO.UK
Tue Dec 8 11:55:37 EST 1998

At 16:00 08/12/98 GMT, Mark Edmonds wrote:
>What's all this green marker pen marlarkey? Is there some myth about using
>these pens to improve the sound?

There used to be the suggestion that you could improve the sound of a CD by
drawing a green line around the edge of each CD with a marker pen.  The
claim was that it reduced reflections of scattered light from the laser, or
some such bollocks.

Speaking of pseudo-technological gizmos, in a recent copy of that
"Innovations" catalog that comes free with various magazines, I saw an ad
for a device that plugs into a mains socket and cleans the electricity in
your home.  It reminded me of the "heavy electricity" scam from "Brass Eye"
(with the nasty "sodomised electrons").  If it hadn't cost so much, I'd
have bought one just to see what was inside it.

The only thing I can think of is if you
>stick one up your nose, the sudden influx of chemicals to the brain causes
>it to disconnect a few "reality sensors" and hey presto, not only does your
>hi-fi sound wonderful but even IITBOTFTBD is even one of the best albums
>ever made ;-)

I still like IITBOTFTBD.  It's one of the best ambient HW/PW/AL albums
(though not as good as Spiral Realms).


Languages Group Manager.
Harlequin Ltd., Lismore House, 127 George St, Edinburgh, EH2 4JN, UK.
Tel: +44 131 240 6106.

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