OFF: Zilla news

Nick Lee nick.lee2 at VIRGIN.NET
Tue Dec 15 14:33:28 EST 1998

-----Original Message-----
From: <Nick English> <nick at THECAMPUS.COM>
To: Multiple recipients of list BOC-L <BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU>
Date: 15 December 1998 16:27
Subject: OFF: Zilla news

The dead just don't stay dead long these days...

Toho studios has announced it's re-starting the Godzilla series,
three years after they killed him off in Godzilla vs. Destroyer.
Apparently, while Godzilla died at the end of that film, a "Godzilla
Jr." morphed into a slightly smaller version of his dad. This, I'm
guessing, is where the new film will pick up. It's tentatively titled
"Godzilla Millenium", and it starts filming in April. From what I
hear, Toho decided to do more Godzilla flicks after seeing what
Hollywood did to him. Although my source on this could have
mis-interpreted the news. I hear the Tri-Star Zilla was doing good
box office in Japan initially...maybe it ended up doing so well that
Toho decided the series was still lucrative. I kind of hope it was
the former myself.  : )

--  Nick

I read somewhere recently that as Tristar sequel was almost a certainty
since although the box-office wasn't all it could've the merchandising paid
off.  having said that I do remember reading a while back about Godzilla Jr
inheriting the mantle Godzilla Vs. Destroyer

Nick Lee

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