BOC: Re: Heaven Forbid, I'm back!

Laj Waldner erebus7 at DLCWEST.COM
Thu Dec 17 02:09:22 EST 1998

Andy Gilham wrote:
> > If I was to pick three songs off of HF, they would have to be "Harvest
> > Moon", One of Bucks greatest songs with some of the best lyrics I have
> > ever heard. "X-Ray Eyes" a fast and feverish lick which is trademark
> > BOC. Finally "Real World", that riff is just so good, with "Power
> > Underneath Dispair" getting an honorary mention, aggressive riff with
> > that very cool tempo change in the chorus. This album is probably close
> > to the bottom lyrically, with the obvious exception "Harvest Moon", and
> > the worst lyrically being "Hammer back". But musically I think the whole
> > album is grand, and compared to few BOC albums that came before this
> > one, it's nice to see them back on track, can hardly wait for the next
> > release. I think im going to order the European release to get the other
> > cover, wonder if the spelling of "Dispair" is different over there ;-).
> >
> Just to put a different tuppence in the hat...  I thought the best numbers
> on HF were the no-nonsense riffing ones, "See You in Black" and "Hammer
> Back".
>Also "Power Underneath Despair", for the above reasons.  I thought
> the duffers were "Damaged", for its derivative white-funk "uh-huh uh-huh"
> rhythm and the cringe-making line "I live for rock'n'roll";

Have to respectfully disagree, I have always loved that song, I also
think this song could put ol' BOC back in the top 40 if anybody would
give it a chance, this should of been a single. I think "Damaged" has a
great groove, reminiscent of "Before the Kiss" dare I say :-o. "I live
for rock n roll" I had no problems with, Buck was "Born to Rock"
remember ;-).

>"Still Burnin'"
> for being just weak,

I thought this song rocked, a heavy influence and cool twist to the
Beetles "I Feel Fine".

> and "X-Ray Eyes" for an irritating chorus and lazy
> lyrics -

But I LOVE this song musically so much, what can ya do.  Yes it does
have a lot of repeat, maybe they wanted to drive home that X-ray eyes
are bad :-). But there's one lyric that stands out;

"Do not envy who sees beyond the pale"
"don't look there, pluck not at natures vale"

That's pretty cool.

>"in the fifties, Ray Milland", like he couldn't really be arsed
> what year the film really came out, probably the fifties, no point in
> checking, that'll be good enough (1964 in fact).  (That annoys me more than
> it should, maybe I'm still more anal retentive than I like to think I am :)

Well, ya a bit of a blunder there. But as Paul said;

"Maybe they stumbled over the little known fact that, ever the
perfectionist, Ray Milland rehearsed the part literally for years before
he felt he had it "right enough" to do the film?"

Sounds good to me, sure lets use that then, hey John put that one in the
FAQ ;-).

> "Harvest Moon" I liked more live than on record, and conversely, I thought
> "Live for Me" was no great shakes on the album but loved it live.
> But then I like the Cardigans so what do I know! :)
> - Andy
> mailto:Andy.Gilham at;

BOC has ALWAYS sounded better live, as any really great band should.


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