HW: Alan Davey's "Sci-fi-delic" CD-R
Carl Edlund Anderson
cea20 at CUS.CAM.AC.UK
Thu Dec 24 03:48:02 EST 1998
On ons 23 dec 1998 16.59 -0500 "Paul Mather" <paul at GROMIT.DLIB.VT.EDU>
> Steve writes:
> => Some CD-R's have proven to be highly "degradable" (especially the
> => green-backed ones, from what I've read). And all of them are delicate
> => on the label side - if the wrong kind of glue is used to stick a label
> => to them, it can eat through the back of the CD and dissolve the data
> => layer. Apparently CD-RW is much more robust.
> Actually, if you read the small print on CD-Rs, you can find out whether
> or not they are safe to label. Most of the ones I buy aren't, and
> explicitly tell you not to attach labels of any kind; they can only be
> written on with a felt-tipped pen or similar. If you want to put labels
> on CD-Rs, you must make sure you buy ones which can be labelled
> (tougher, less corrosive label side).
This may well be the source of my problem. I got the "limited
edition" CD-R which had a pictorial label stuck to the CD-R and
perhaps its glue corroded the CD-R.
Well, I'll have to see if I can hunt down fresh copies!
Carl Edlund Anderson
Dept. of Anglo-Saxon, Norse, & Celtic
St. John's College, University of Cambridge
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